Amazon “Threat to Public Health?”
March 1, 2019 3:04PM CST
- On Friday, US Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Ca) sent a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
- Schiff is concerned about anti-vaccination products and information trending online
- In the letter, Schiff wrote, “There is strong evidence to suggest that at least part of the source of this trend is the degree to which medically inaccurate information about vaccines surface on the websites where many Americans get their information, among them Amazon.”
- The congressman calls the trend a “direct threat to public health,” and asks Bezos to take action as anti-vaccination content and products have appeared on Amazon.
- Do you think anti-vaxxers have created a public health threat? Should those or parents of those who aren’t vaccinated face criminal charges if the cause the spread of a preventable disease?