Linclon-Way School District 210 voted Tuesday night for their hybrid learning model. The student body will be split in half with an A/B learning plan for in person classes. School Board member Joe Kirkeeng says one of the most often-asked questions was if a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19, what plan do they have in place. The student or teacher would not return to class for a period of time and contact tracing would occur. There were would a thorough cleaning of where the person had been. All students and teachers are required to wear masks. Parents can opt-out of the blended learning A/B plan and choose remote/online learning only.

First Day of In-Person Student Attendance:

 Group A: Thursday, August 20, 2020
 Group B: Friday, August 21, 2020

In-Person Instruction:

 Guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) form the foundation for our safe and supportive return to school in which, “inperson instruction is highly recommended.”

Change of Plans:

 Lincoln-Way High School will monitor regional and local COVID-19 infection rates in weekly coordination with the Will County Health Department and the IDPH. The decision to move to all
Remote Learning will be based upon the infectious rate of Will County or our region (Region 7). If the infectious rate reaches 8% for 3 consecutive days in the county or the region, a decision to
implement Remote Learning will be made. Remote Learning would continue until the infectious rate is below 8% for 14 consecutive days. Additional guidance from IDPH is expected, which will
include specific metrics to guide school districts in making decisions during the school year. Mandatory Health Precautions:

 All students, faculty, staff, and visitors will wear face coverings, social distance, and practice frequent hand sanitization. All staff, students, and visitors must submit a self-certification prior
to entering any district facility. Opt-Out of Blended Learning A/B:

 Parents and guardians can choose the learning environment that best meets the needs of their students. Options include Blended Learning A/B, which combines synchronous and
asynchronous learning and instruction, or OPTING OUT of Blended Learning A/B and remotely learn utilizing a fully online/remote learning platform.

Additional Support:

 English Learners and some Special Education programs have the opportunity to receive inperson instruction more regularly.

Free and Reduced Lunch:

 Serving our students through the Free and Reduced Lunch program will continue regardless of the learning environment that families choose.

To read more click here.