Corey Taylor Reveals SLIPKNOT Will Release New Music “In The Next Month Or So”
October 8, 2021 6:09AM CDT
- Slipknot fans better brace themselves: new music is coming soon!
- According to frontman Corey Taylor, the new Slipknot album is about “80% done,” but fans can get a taste soon.
- “However, I will say this: don’t be surprised if in the next month or so you hear something new,” Taylor said in a podcast interview.
- Describing the first single from their first album, Taylor said it’s “more of a ‘let’s bludgeon everybody and remind them why we’re still Slipknot’ kind of vibe.”
- What kind oif sound do you expect for this new Slipknot album? Are you excited to get a new song from the band?