The Forest Preserve District of Will County offers a wide variety of programs year-round. Here are some of the upcoming outings:

 – “Firefly Hike for Families,” 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, July 16, Hickory Creek Preserve – LaPorte Road Access (Hickory Hollow Shelter). Hike to see fireflies and learn the science behind this insect’s magical glow. All ages; free. Register by Friday, July 12, at or call 708-946-2216.

CRETE TOWNSHIP – “Junior High Nature Photography Hike,” 4-6 p.m. Thursday, July 18, Plum Creek Nature Center. Hike, take photos with your tablets or phones and end the program with a snack. Participants will learn photo tips and tricks. Ages 10-13; $3/person. Register by Tuesday, July 16, at or call 708-946-2216.

CHANNAHON – “Nature Meditation,” 6:30-8 a.m. Fridays, July 19 and Aug. 2, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Hike 1-2 miles and then spend time meditating in nature. Bring a nature journal/notebook for reflection. Ages 18 or older; free. Register by Wednesday, July 17, at or call 815-722-9470.

NAPERVILLE – “Riverview Farmstead Tour,” 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, July 20, Riverview Farmstead Preserve. Examine the 19th-century building interiors and explore the grounds of the preserve. Ages 10 or older; free. Register by Thursday, July 18, at or call 815-886-1467.

MONEE TOWNSHIP – “Midnight Madness,” 7 p.m.-midnight Saturday, July 20, Monee Reservoir. Enjoy nighttime fishing when the fish are more active. Bring a flashlight and bug repellent. Bait and tackle will be available for purchase from the concessions stand. All ages; free. Registration is not required.

CHANNAHON – “Caterpillar Hike,” 7:30-9 p.m. Wednesday, July 24, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Take a close-up look at caterpillars and their behavior. Ages 5 or older; free. Register by Tuesday, July 23 at or call 815-722-9470.

CHANNAHON – “Happy Mornings Yoga and Hike,” 9-10:30 a.m. Thursday, July 25, Four Rivers Environmental Education Center. Take part in a 30-40 minute yoga session and a 30-40 minute hike along scenic trails. Bring a yoga mat, water and a journal/notebook. Ages 5 or older; free. Register by Monday, July 22, at or call 815-722-9470.

MONEE TOWNSHIP – “LEGO Gone Wild,” 1-3 p.m. Thursday, July 25, Monee Reservoir. Explore hidden habitats and then recreate a habitat using LEGO bricks. Ages 6 or older; $3/person. Register by Tuesday, July 23, at or call 708-946-2216.

ROMEOVILLE – “River Ramble,” 9-10 a.m. Friday, July 26, at Isle a la Cache Museum. Explore the wonders of Isle a la Cache preserve on a guided hike of less than 1 mile. Ages 10 or older; free. Register by Wednesday, July 24, at or call 815-886-1467.