• One Iron Maiden fan is turning her family tragedy into a lifesaving mission to help those affected by breast cancer.  Fan Emily lost her mother, her aunt and grandmother to breast cancer and she herself has the gene that puts her at high risk for the disease. So, she’s decided to go on one last hurrah before she has a double mastectomy by seeing Iron Maiden 24 times in North America.
  • Emily is documenting her journey live on social media and asking those following to donate to a GoFundMe page set up for women in Peru affected by the disease.  75% of women in Peru affected by breast cancer don’t learn they have the disease until it’s either too late – or too expensive- to treat.
  • If you’re not into Maiden, she’ll be taking you on major tourist destinations at each stop. Oh, and Emily is funding her concert journey herself.
  • Which issue would you use your favorite band to raise awareness?
find the cure calligraphy. breast cancer awareness card.