Joliet City Councilman At-Large Don “Duck” Dickinson officially tendered his resignation on Monday. Dickinson announced his resignation from the council on Friday evening. Mayor Bob O’Dekirk has told WJOL that he will be nominating someone for the vacancy at the Tuesday, December 1st City Council Meeting. The council will then hold a vote to approve or reject the appointment. The mayor also tells WJOL that he will be nominating someone who will not be running in the spring election. This is the second appointment that Bob O’Dekirk has made as mayor as he previously appointed Brooke Hernandez-Brewer to fill seat of Jim MacFarland back in 2016.

O’Dekirk highlighted the need for permanently filling the city manager position and an upcoming vote on Joliet’ s new source of water as reasons for making an appointment sooner rather then later.