District 202 will be participating in a new statewide school safety program called Safe2Help Illinois.  This 24/7 helpline will offer students a safe, confidential way to share information on school safety issues.  Safe2Help Illinois aims to help prevent suicide, bullying, school violence and other threats to student safety.  Safe2Help will replace the district Bully hotlines and emails.

With Safe2Help Illinois, students can connect with a trained crisis professional during their own crisis or report a potential threat.  The goal of the program is to encourage students to “Seek Help Before Harm.”

Students can share an alert via the following ways:

Once vetted, the information will be immediately shared with District 202 school officials, mental health professionals, and/or local law enforcement, depending on the nature of the tip.

District 202 staff and students will receive information about the Safe2Help Illinois program in January and early February.  Students will view Safe2Help Illinois videos that are customized to their age level.

Learn more about District 202 school safety resources and Safe2Help at https://www.psd202.org/page/school-safety.

Visit the Safe2Help Illinois website at www.Safe2Helpil.com.

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