The Best Free Fitness Apps For Getting In Shape On The Cheap
January 2, 2019 1:56PM CST
- New year, new you. Right? Since almost everyone makes the resolution to get in shape starting on January 1st, here are a few free apps for Android and the iPhone that also fit in with your plans to save more money too.
- Want better abs? Pick up 30-day Ab Challenge, which will slowly tighten you up with a series of exercises over the next few months.
- Ever thought about running a 5k? There’s an app for that too. Couch to 5K claims it can live up to its name in just nine weeks.
- Namastaying on the side of good health is easy with Simply Yoga. The app will walk you through all the poses with the proper techniques.
- What’s your plan for getting into better health this year? How do you stay motivated in keeping your resolutions?