• Food porn is a term that has become a “cultural phenomenon”, and Heinz has decided to capitalize on that phenomenon.
  • Heinz released a minute long ad for their Devour Frozen Food line that compares a man’s addiction to the frozen meals to porn addiction. It will air on Sunday for the Super Bowl.
  • “Devour is known for its bold and unapologetic point of view, and we knew our first Super Bowl spot had to be just that,” said marketing lead Katy Marshall.
  • Along with airing the commercial during the Super Bowl, Kraft Heinz has added their “See Hot Food Porn Now” on Pornhub for a 24-hour period.
  • “This one-day activation is part of a humorous juxtaposition to highlight the concept of food porn that began with the release of the uncensored 60-second Big Game ad,” Devour said.
  • What are your thoughts on Devour’s Super Bowl commercial? Should more companies advertise on porn websites? What impact will it have on Kraft Heinz?