What’s the Dumbest Thing You’ve Heard Someone Say Out Loud in Public?
Someone on Reddit asked people to name the dumbest thing they’ve ever heard someone say in public. And some of the responses are amazing. Here are a few favorites, in no particular order . . .
1. “I don’t need to get vaccinated, my dad’s a chiropractor.”
2. “It’s pretty crazy that Black Friday actually falls on a Friday this year.”
3. “I’m vegan, but I still eat chicken and turkey.”
4. Someone at the DMV overheard employees talking about how slow the internet was. Then one of them told the other person to, quote, “shake out all the wires, because sometimes information gets caught in there.”
5. “What animal is a ham?”
6. “Earth must be flat. Because if it was round, it would bounce.”
7. “Phones don’t run on electricity, they run on batteries.”
8. Someone asked a farmer, quote, “How long does it take the meat on a cow to grow back, so you can cut more?”
9. Someone on a plane overheard another passenger say, “I think this is the same cloud we went through on our last flight.”