Wilmington VFW Inviting Public To Honor Homeless Veteran Burial
It’s “not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” That’s a quote by author W.T. Purkiser. To that end a local VFW is helping to honor a homeless veteran. Dignity Memorial contacted the Wilmington VFW to assist in burial honors for a homeless veteran at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood.
Army Specialist Charles J. Adomatis, served in the Army from November 1956 to November 1958. No family or friends will be attending. Wilmington VFW will provide pallbearers and burial flag acceptor. The Honors will also be conducted by the Wilmington VFW at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday November 27th at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery. The public is invited to attend the burial of this homeless veteran.